Программы пользователя Asterius Media Works GmbH

With an intuitive interface, Dr.Tag let""s you organize your MP3, Ogg Vorbis and WMA collection in no time. Features like renaming, restructuring, tagging, playing, previewing and batch editing give you all the control over your music files!
117.00 Kb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 108
With an intuitive interface, Dr.Tag Plus! let""s you organize your MP3, Ogg Vorbis and WMA collection in no time. Beside renaming, restructurizing, tagging, playing, previewing and batch editing you can burn, rip and encode your music!
8.80 Mb | shareware | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 107
Repair your MP3 files within a second! You are currently working with your MP3 files and suddenly one file does not play anymore. This sounds familiar to you? Then we may have help for you with MP3 Repair Tool MP3 files are very sensitive...
0.73 Mb | бесплатно | Windows 9x/2000/2003/XP/NT | скачано: 180
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Manuel COELHO for Windows !!!
Замена стандартных звуков Windows на фрагменты музыки XVI столетия композитора Падре Маноэля Родригиша КОЭЛЬЮ да Кошта (1555-1635; Португалия) из его сборника: "ЦВЕТЫ МУЗЫКИ" (издан в 1620 году)...

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